New posts in duality-theorems

A proof for $\widehat{\Bbb Z_{p^\infty}}\cong Z_p$

A closed subspace of a reflexive Banach space is reflexive

linear transformation $T$ is onto if and only if $T^*$ is one to one

Motivation for Mirror-Descent

Pontryagin duality for finite groups

What are some theorems made easier by Stone Duality?

Really basic example of Lagrangian duality

Image of dual map is annihilator of kernel

What other theorems about the duality of projective geometry?

Dual norm of the dual norm is the primal norm

Need help setting up and solving dual problem

Prove a feasible point is optimal for an LP using complementary slackness

What does "dual" mean exactly in mathematics?

Why is there no natural isomorphism between $V$ and its dual?

What is duality?

Understanding duality when objective function contain a function of the decision variable.

Precise connection between Poincare Duality and Serre Duality

What can be said about the dual space of an infinite-dimensional real vector space?

Motivation to understand double dual space