New posts in schemes

Show that for an affine algebraic set $V$,$\operatorname{Shv}(V;\mathcal{C})\simeq\operatorname{Shv}(\operatorname{Spec}(\mathcal{O}_V);\mathcal{C})$ [duplicate]

"Spreading out" a smooth, connected $\mathbb{C}$-scheme of finite type.

Morphisms from a proper scheme to the affine line over a field must be constant.

Hartshorne's Exercise II. 2.15 (fully faithful functor)

Computing Kähler differentials on $\mathbb P^1_A$ (What did Liu intend?)

Separated schemes and unicity of extension

If $X$ is separated over $\operatorname{Spec} \Bbb Z$, is it separated over any other scheme?

Hartshorne's Exercise II.4.5(c). A third time.

Total space of a finite rank locally free sheaf, Vakil's 17.1.4 & 17.1.G

Hom between 2 schemes

How much algebraic geometry is there in complex geometry (for example, Demailly)?

Does the degree of a projective curve depend on the embedding into projective space?

Can Fermat's Two Squares Theorem be phrased in terms of Schemes?

Why is surjectivity stable under base change?

function field of an integral scheme

Computation of normal cones

Scheme over S and morphisms

When is the global section functor exact?

Rational map of curves extends to a morphism if $C$ regular

Why is the affine line with a doubled point not a separated scheme?