New posts in projective-schemes

Degree of ample bundle over projective curve is positive

Computing Kähler differentials on $\mathbb P^1_A$ (What did Liu intend?)

Does the degree of a projective curve depend on the embedding into projective space?

Compute the cohomology of projective schemes

Show that the dimention of the intersection of projective linear sub-spaces of dimentions $d_1$ and $d_2$ of $\mathbb{P}^n$ is bigger than $d_1+d_2-n$

Is the graph of morphism of projective varieties $X \rightarrow Y$ closed in $X \times Y$?

Definition of $ \ \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}_k^n}(1)$ [duplicate]

Tangent space in a point and First Ext group

Geometric fibers $\mathbb P^n$ + Vanishing of Brauer group implies projective bundle

Classification of automorphisms of projective space

How to complete Vakil's proof that the composition of projective morphisms are projective when the target is quasicompact?

Proper curves over some field are projective

Hartshorne example III.9.8.3