New posts in krull-dimension

$K[X^2,X^3]\subset K[X]$ is a Noetherian domain and all its prime ideals are maximal

Noetherian ring with finitely many height $n$ primes

Krull dimension and localization

Show that the dimention of the intersection of projective linear sub-spaces of dimentions $d_1$ and $d_2$ of $\mathbb{P}^n$ is bigger than $d_1+d_2-n$

Dimension of irreducible affine variety is same as any open subset

The Krull dimension of a module

Krull dimension of quotient by principal ideal

Krull dimension of $\mathbb{C}[x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4]/\left< x_1x_3-x_2^2,x_2 x_4-x_3^2,x_1x_4-x_2 x_3\right>$

Examples of rings whose polynomial rings have large dimension

What is the "dimension" of a locally ringed space?

Krull dimension of complement of an open subset containing all generic points

Krull Dimension of a scheme

Why are Artinian rings of Krull dimension 0?

Why is every Noetherian zero-dimensional scheme finite discrete?

Finding a space $X$ such that $\dim C(X)=n$.

Is $\operatorname{height} \mathfrak{p} + \dim A / \mathfrak{p} = \dim A$ true?

Noetherian ring with infinite Krull dimension (Nagata's example).

A proof for $\dim(R[T])=\dim(R)+1$ without prime ideals?