New posts in affine-schemes

Chinese remainder theorem as sheaf condition?

The distinguished open sets are affine subschemes

Can Fermat's Two Squares Theorem be phrased in terms of Schemes?

Dimension of irreducible affine variety is same as any open subset

Tensor product of injective ring homomorphisms

Is there a notion of "schemeification" analogous to that of sheafification of a presheaf?

Proof of proposition 5.3.1 of Ravi Vakil's notes on algebraic geometry

Inverse of open affine subscheme is affine

Is the axiom of choice necessary to prove that closed points in the Zariski topology are maximal ideals?

Generic zeros of a polynomial according to Lang's IGA

What's the "real" reason a finite map has finite fibers?

Spectrum of infinite product of rings

Quotient of an affine scheme

Show that $Z_{red}=(Z,\mathcal{O}_{Z_{red}})$ is a scheme and it satisfies the universal property