New posts in adjoint-functors

Are adjunctions unique?

Can we think of an adjunction as a homotopy equivalence of categories?

Equivalence of Categories and of Their Functor Categories

Adjunctions are Kan Extensions.

Example of a functor which preserves all small limits but has no left adjoint

Free group construction via General Adjoint Functor Theorem in Riehl

Why are adjoint functors common?

Properties of Adjoint functors

Exercise 1.5.xi from Emily Riehl's "Category Theory in Context" on properties of some functors

UMP of product functor

Adjoint functors on categories of monoids induced by a strong monoidal adjunction

Understanding adjoint functors

Unit, co-unit of adjunction

What is the class of topological spaces $X$ such that the functors $\times X:\mathbf{Top}\to\mathbf{Top}$ have right adjoints?

What are some examples of self-adjoint functors? Is this an example?

Adjunction in Abelian Categories

Do counit-unit adjunctions have the expected universal properties?

Adjoint pairs, triplets and quadruplets

Verifying that an adjunction induces a monad structure

Is there a notion of "schemeification" analogous to that of sheafification of a presheaf?