New posts in monoidal-categories

Monoidal categories: coherence from strictness

Details in applying the Barr-Beck monadicity theorem to Tannakian reconstruction

What is a good category for probability theory?

Why can I choose to work in a strict monoidal category without loss of generality?

Coherence for symmetric monoidal categories

Tensor products from internal hom?

Is dualizablility of an object equivalent to tensoring with that object having a left adjoint?

Adjoint functors on categories of monoids induced by a strong monoidal adjunction

Motivation/Intuition for the Pentagon Axiom

Why a monoidal category with only one object is a monoid in the category of monoids?

Day convolution intuition

What is the decategorification of a triangulated category?

What's a double category with one object?

Theory of promonads

How to name these "ideals"?

Is the unit compact in a closed monoidal (co)complete category?

Grothendieck's yoga of six operations - in relatively basic terms?