New posts in monoid

Trying to understand significance of monoid as a one object category

Rig in which 0 is not an absorber.

infinite monoid H that is not a free monoid and contains a free monoid as a submonoid [closed]

Why is the free monoid free?

Is the free group on two generators generated by two elements as a monoid?

Is it possible that $(ab)^{-1}$ is defined although $a^{-1},b^{-1}$ are not?

Center of the categories $\mathbf{Grp}$ and $\mathbf{Ab}$.

First Isomorphism Theorem for Monoids?

The $2$-category of monoids

Finitely generated monoids - how to show that there is not first order set axiomatizing them.

In a non-commutative monoid, is the left inverse of an element also the right inverse?

Modules over monoids vs algebra over monads

Which of these constructions are left adjoints?

give a counterexample of monoid

Examples of a monad in a monoid (i.e. category with one object)?

What does $\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})\times_{\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{F}_{1})}\mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb{Z})$ look like?

Why a monoidal category with only one object is a monoid in the category of monoids?

Can all squares in a free group be made from squares in the free monoid?

What's a double category with one object?

Algebraic structures over groups and monoids [closed]