New posts in monoid

Applications of Eckmann–Hilton argument

Why is a monoid with right identity and left inverse not necessarily a group? [duplicate]

Is there a name for an element $z$ such that $\,zx = z = xz\,$ for all $x$?

Is any group the automorphism group of some (commutative) monoid?

Prove if an element of a monoid has an inverse, that inverse is unique

Definition of a monoid: clarification needed

A structural proof that $ax=xa$ forms a monoid

Tensor product of monoids and arbitrary algebraic structures

A finite Monoid $M$ is a group if and only if it has only one idempotent element

What's the difference between a monoid and a group?

Why the terminology "monoid"?

Monoid as a single object category

Why does a group homomorphism preserve more structure than a monoid homomorphism while satisfying fewer equations

Let $R$ be a ring. Define a circle composition ◦ in R by $a ◦ b =a+b-ab$, $a, b ∈ R$.

What can we learn about a group by studying its monoid of subsets?

Are there any interesting semigroups that aren't monoids?

Kaplansky's theorem of infinitely many right inverses in monoids?