New posts in universal-algebra

What sorts of (sets of) equations are "approximately compatible" with the $2$-sphere?

Is it true, that for any two non-isomorphic finite groups $G$ and $H$ there exists such a group word $w$, that $|V_w(G)| \neq |V_w(H)|$?

When is a bijective homomorphism an isomorphism?

Does this theorem/collection of theorems have a name? Or is it just seen as obvious?

why is a nullary operation a special element, usually 0 or 1?

Most general form of Cayley's theorem?

On group varieties and numbers

Subdirect embedding of a quotient algebra

The Use of Ordinals and Cardinals in Recursive Proofs

Why are structures interesting?

Which texts do you recommend to study universal algebra and lattice theory?

Why is it that the congruence relations usually correspond to some type of subobject?

Lattices are congruence-distributive

A categorical first isomorphism theorem

How to prove these algebras are subdirectly irreducible, using the claim about their congruence relations? Am I proceeding correctly?

Suggestions for a learning roadmap for universal algebra?

What is the importance of “variety of algebras” in Universal Algebra?

Classification of Finite Topologies

Is a poset an algebra?

How to create multiplication table ("Cayley table") for an algebra or class of algebras?