New posts in tensor-products

Finding a basis for symmetric $k$-tensors on $V$

Why does this ring have rank $k!$?

How to construct abstractly and symmetrically the map $𝛬^{n+k}M⊗𝛬^kN→𝛬^nM$ given a pairing $M⊗N→R$?

When does tensor product have a (exact) left adjoint?

Eigenvalues of Kronecker Product

Why is $\mathbb{H}\otimes\mathbb{H}\cong\text{End}_\mathbb{R}\mathbb{H}$?

Tensor Products and Von Neumann's Direct Multiplication

Generic Element of Compositum of Two Fields [duplicate]

Why is $V^{\vee}\otimes W^{\vee}\longrightarrow (V\otimes W)^{\vee}$ always injective?

Tensor product of two finitely generated modules

The natural map $M \to M \otimes_R K$ is injective iff $M$ is torsion free

What is an example of a smooth function in $C^\infty(\mathbb{R}^2)$ which is not contained in $C^\infty(\mathbb{R})\otimes C^\infty(\mathbb{R})$

Why is tensoring a functor? On objects, it is only defined up to isomorphism... also fiber products...

Exercises to help a student become accustomed to Sweedler notation

$A/ I \otimes_A A/J \cong A/(I+J)$

Are bimodules over a commutative ring always modules?

Prove that the tensor product of non algebraic extensions is not a field

$2 \otimes_{R} 2 + x \otimes_{R} x$ is not a simple tensor in $I \otimes_R I$

Tensor products over field do not commute with inverse limits?

Is the image of a tensor product equal to the tensor product of the images?