New posts in group-homomorphism

Find the Number of Group Homomorphisms from $\mathbb{Z}/10\mathbb{Z}$ to $A_4$.

Prove: A group $G$ is abelian if and only if the map $G\rightarrow G$ given by $x\mapsto x^{-1}$ is an automorphism.

Compute the kernel of the group hom $\Omega : \Bbb{Q}^{\times} \to \Bbb{Z}^+$.

Is the free product of residually finite groups always residually finite?

Let $f: (\Bbb Z_{28}, +)\to(\Bbb Z_{16}, +)$ be a group homomorphism such that $f(1)=12$. Find $\ker f$.

A finite group $G$ has two elements of the same order ; does there exists a group $H$ containing $G$ such that those elements are conjugate in $H$?

When is a bijective homomorphism an isomorphism?

How many homomorphism from $S_3$ to $S_4$?

$(\mathbb Z_4\times\mathbb Z_6)/\langle(2,3)\rangle$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_2\times\mathbb Z_6$ or $\mathbb Z_{12}$? [duplicate]

Find the homomorphism corresponding to $(\mathbb Z_4\times\mathbb Z_6)/\langle(2,3)\rangle$

Let $\varphi\in{\rm End}(G)$ s.t. $\exists n\ge 0$, $\ker(\varphi^n)=G$. If $\ker\varphi$ or $[G:{\rm Im}\varphi]$ is finite, then $G$ is finite

$p$ is the minimal prime dividing the order of $G$, and $H$ operates on $G/H$ by multiplication. $H/\ker\left(\varphi\right)$ embedded in $S_{p-1}$

Proving $\phi(G)$ is cyclic if $\phi$ : $G \to H$ is group homomorphism and $G$ is cyclic [duplicate]

External direct product of a family of group homomorphisms

Find non trivial homomorphism $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \text{Aut}(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$

Prove that a mapping from C to M2(R) is injective and a homomorphismm

If $A$ is an additive abelian group and $\alpha, \beta \in{\rm End}(A)$, show $\alpha+\beta\in{\rm End}(A)$

Find the number of homomorphisms between $\mathbb{Z}_m$ and $\mathbb{Z}_n$ [duplicate]

Exponential-like functions on fields other than $\mathbb R$

Discovering and describing the homomorphisms returned by the sagemath function direct_product()