New posts in cyclic-groups

When are the product of cyclic groups also cyclic? [duplicate]

Prove the order of each nonindentity element of $G$ is $p$. [closed]

Identity element in a finite cyclic group $G$.

Let $f: (\Bbb Z_{28}, +)\to(\Bbb Z_{16}, +)$ be a group homomorphism such that $f(1)=12$. Find $\ker f$.

Generators of a cyclic group

Is a field with cyclic multiplicative group necessarily finite? [duplicate]

Prove that the order of the cyclic subgroup $\langle g^k\rangle $ is $n/{\operatorname{gcd}(n,k)}$ [duplicate]

About the Center of the Special Linear Group $SL(n,F)$

Explanation why an abelian tower admits a cyclic refinement

Abelian group admitting a surjective homomorphism onto an infinite cyclic group

If Cylic subgroup implies abelian implies normal then how A5 is simple group [closed]

Can we conclude that this group is cyclic? [duplicate]

Conditions for cyclic quotient group

How to find subgroups of $ \;\;\Bbb Z_2\times \Bbb Z_6$

Prove that any group of order 15 is cyclic? [duplicate]

Quotient of the direct product of cyclic groups

Multiplicative group of an infinite field is not cyclic

After using Sylow Theorems, how can we say how many elements of order 5 might be there in a group of order 20? [duplicate]

Proving $\phi(G)$ is cyclic if $\phi$ : $G \to H$ is group homomorphism and $G$ is cyclic [duplicate]

Cyclic permutation of factors preserves order of elements