New posts in quotient-group

If $H$ is a subgroup of a finite abelian group $G$, then $G$ has a subgroup that is isomorphic to $G/H$.

Conditions for cyclic quotient group

Let $H\leq G$. Prove $x^{-1}y^{-1}xy\in H\text{ }\forall x,y\in G \iff H\trianglelefteq G \text{ and } G/H \text{ is abelian}$.

Is it true that for a Group $G$ with Normal Group $N: G/N = GN/N$?

Is $\Bbb R/\Bbb Z$ isomorphic to $\Bbb R/2\Bbb Z$?

Between the center of a quotient group and the total center

If $G$ is cyclic then $G/H$ is cyclic?

Cyclicness of a quotient of subgroups of infinite cyclic group

Let $H$ be the subgroup of $\Bbb Z^3$ generated by elements $(5,−4, 3), (7, 2, 3)$ and $(21, 8, 9)$. Classify the factor group $\Bbb Z^{3}/H$.

Discuss $\mathbb R[X]/(aX^2 +bX + c)$ in terms of $\Delta = b^2-4ac$

Give an example of: A group with an element A of order 3, an element B with order 4, where order of AB is less than 12

Why is the fact that a quotient group is a group relevant?

Justify $\frac{\mathbb{Z}_a\times \mathbb{Z}_b}{\langle a/c\rangle \times \langle b/d\rangle}$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_c\times \mathbb{Z}_d$.

When is $G/N \cong H/K$?

Difference between $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}_n$

Understanding a proof of: If $N\unlhd G$ s.t. $N$ and $G/N$ are solvable, then $G$ is solvable.

Number of subgroup $G<\Bbb Z^3$ such that $\Bbb Z^3/G\simeq \Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z\oplus\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z$ [closed]

Finding quotient of additive abelian group in Sage

Why the term and the concept of quotient group?

Why do we define quotient groups for normal subgroups only?