New posts in motivation

What are the advantages of proof-relevant mathematics?

Naturality of tensors in Differential Geometry

What is the significance of limit points?

Intuition behind independence and conditional probability

Why do we require the $p$-adic norm to satisfy multiplicativity?

A layman's motivation for non-standard analysis and generalised limits

Why is the derivative important? [duplicate]

Ordinals - motivation and rigor at the same time

Motivation for the relations defining $H^1(G,A)$ for non-commutative cohomology

Why is unique ergodicity important or interesting?

Motivation and examples for ramification

Reference request: Introduction to Finite Group Cohomology

What is the intuition behind product topology?

Motivation for definition of Mobius function

Motivation for the Definition of Compact Space

What is a good way to introduce Euler's totient function?

Different ways to state the motivation of the definition of the product topology

Why is the inner measure problematic?

Motivation behind the ingredients of First Cohomology group $H^1$

Why the axioms for a topological space are those axioms?