New posts in motivation

Applications of functions of the form $f(x)^{g(x)}$

Why choose sets to be the primitive objects in mathematics rather than, say, tuples?

History behind Exact Sequences.

Motivation behind the definition of complete metric space

What's a good motivating example for the concept of a slice category?

What is a spectral sequence? [closed]

Motivation for definition of free group?

Topological groups, why need them?

Why do you calculate the dot product that way?

How to motivate the axioms for the inner product

Traveling salesman problem: why visit each city only once?

Motivation behind the definition of Prime Ideal

Motivation of the Gaussian Integral

Why are abelian groups of interest? What is their usefulness?

What is the purpose of showing some numbers exist?

Motivation of Splines

What is the motivation behind the study of sequences?

Motivation behind the definition of tangent vectors

Motivation for construction of cross-product (Quaternions?)

Motivation for the study of amoebas.