New posts in motivation

Why do we need (the abstract concept of) random variables (in discrete probability models)?

Fun math for young, bored kids?

Why do PDE's seem so unnatural? [closed]

What is Representation Theory?

Why study cardinals, ordinals and the like?

Why is the tensor product constructed in this way?

How to make sense out of the $\epsilon-\delta$ definition of a limit?

Book series like AMS' Student Mathematical Library?

What problems, ideas or questions first got you interested in algebraic geometry?

Why is the fact that a quotient group is a group relevant?

How to appreciate Riemannian geometry

Motivation behind the definition of flat module

Quaternions vs Axis angle

Motivation behind this proof of the Basel problem?

Why does the generalised derivative have to be a linear transformation?

An equation that generates a beautiful or unique shape for motivating students in mathematics

is it possible to motivate higher differential forms without integration?

Why do we want probabilities to be *countably* additive?

Motivation for the Nijenhuis tensor

Could *I* have come up with the definition of Compactness (and Connectedness)?