New posts in almost-complex

Identification of the holomorphic tangent space with the real tangent space

$2$ out of $3$ property of the unitary group

Does every even-dimensional sphere admit an almost complex structure?

Almost complex structures on spheres

If subspace $A$ is the fixed points of an involution $\sigma$, then is $K(A)$ the fixed points of $-\sigma$?

Eigenvalues and eigenspaces of almost complex structures under each other [closed]

Confusion on the definition of a complex structure

An almost complex structure on real 2-dimensional manifold

Nonstandard definitions of complexifications

What's the bijection between scalar/inner products and (certain) almost complex structures (on $\mathbb R^2$)?

Bundle isomorphisms for $J$-holomorphic tangent bundle

Motivation for the Nijenhuis tensor

Question about the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem for almost complex manifolds

Bijection for involutive maps and $\mathbb R$-subspaces given almost complex structure (anti-involutive)? Formula for conjugation?

Infinite dimensional vector space has almost complex structure if and only if it is 'even-dimensional'?

$f$ is the complexification of a map if $f$ commutes with almost complex structure and standard conjugation. What if we had anti-commutation instead?

Complexification of a map under nonstandard complexifications of vector spaces