New posts in motivation

Motivation for/history of Jacobi's triple product identity

Motivation of Vieta's transformation

Motivation for abstract harmonic analysis

Motivation of stable homotopy theory

Motivating (iso)morphism of varieties

Why is it important to study combinatorics?

Fractional Calculus: Motivation and Foundations.

Book ref. request: "...starting from a mathematically amorphous problem and combining ideas from sources to produce new mathematics..."

What are the applications of continued fractions?

Order of nontrivial elements is 2 implies Abelian group

What are the applications of the Mean Value Theorem?

Motivation behind topology

Motivation for Eisenstein Criterion

Why are modular lattices important?

Why was Sheaf cohomology invented?

What do cones have to do with quadratics? Why is $2$ special?

Uses of quadratic reciprocity theorem

Nonobvious examples of metric spaces that do not work like $\mathbb{R}^n$

Jacobi identity - intuitive explanation

What's the point of studying topological (as opposed to smooth, PL, or PDiff) manifolds?