New posts in sheaf-cohomology

Skew symmetry of indices in cocycles of Cech cohomology

Local cohomology with respect to a point. (Hartshorne III Ex 2.5)

Lack of "good covers" in the étale topology

Calculate the cohomology group of $U(n)$ by spectral sequence.

Torsion-free sheaf on $\Bbb P^2$

locally free resolution for computation of Ext sheaves in Hartshorne Proposition 6.5 [duplicate]

Sheaf cohomology intuition

Understanding etale cohomology versus ordinary sheaves

Why only consider Dolbeault cohomology?

Calculation with Leray spectral sequence

Thom–Gysin long exact sequence

Finiteness of cohomology of coherent sheaf for proper morphisms

Exact sequence of sheaves with non exact sequence of global sections

Detail in the proof that sheaf cohomology = singular cohomology

Why did Serre choose coherent sheaves?

A mistake in Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper? Theorem 5.2.1

Why can we use flabby sheaves to define cohomology?

Relationship between Galois cohomology and etale cohomology.

The idea behind the notion of dualizing sheaf

Why was Sheaf cohomology invented?