New posts in abelian-categories

Simple objects with isomorphic projective covers

Is the category of left exact functors abelian?

Is there a finite abelian category?

Equivalent characterizations of faithfully exact functors of abelian categories

$A \longrightarrow \text{Im} f$ is an epimorphism and a cokernel of ker $f \longrightarrow A$ in every abelian category

Endofunctor on abelian category which fixes simples

Definition of a Functor of Abelian Categories

What is the most general category in which exist short exact sequences?

Category of Abelian group pairs is not Abelian

Limits in the category of exact sequences

Motivation for Definition of Derived Category

Is there an abelian category of topological groups?

Can we use the internal logic of a category to do diagram chases "as in $\mathbf{Ab}$" ?

Why is the category of finitely generated modules over a non-noetherian ring not abelian?

Why the rightmost square is a pullback?

Arbitrary products of quasi-coherent sheaves?

Derived functors of torsion functor

Kernels and cokernels are universal

Mitchell's Embedding Theorem for not-necessarily-small categories

Long exact sequence into short exact sequences