New posts in abelian-categories

Adjunction in Abelian Categories

The projective model structure on chain complexes

The homotopy category of complexes

An explicit imbedding of $(R\mathbf{-Mod})^{op}$ into $S\mathbf{-Mod}$

Example of epimorphisms such that the product is not an epimorphism in the category of sheaves

Homological algebra using nonabelian groups

Can the category of chain complexes be realized as a functor category?

Understanding equivalence of category of group objects in the category of sets with category of Groups

On equivalent definitions of Ext

What is wrong with the following argument about splitting an exact sequence of abelian groups?

showing exact functors preserve exact sequences (abelian categories, additive functors, and kernels)

Why can we use flabby sheaves to define cohomology?

If a functor between categories of modules preserves injectivity and surjectivity, must it be exact?

Question about exact sequence of modules

Is every additive monofunctor between abelian categories left exact?

Category of quasicoherent sheaves not abelian

About flatness of modules / algebras

Example of a non-splitting exact sequence $0 → M → M\oplus N → N → 0$

Abelian categories and axiom (AB5)

Meaning of "efface" in "effaceable functor" and "injective effacement"