New posts in unique-factorization-domains

Grade of a maximal prime ideal in a Noetherian UFD

A Noetherian integral domain is a UFD iff $(f):(g)$ is principal

Coordinate ring of the unit circle is never a UFD?

Is the ring of formal power series in infinitely many variables a unique factorization domain?

Why don't these different factorizations of $7$ contradict number ring is UFD?

Arithmetic structure including both unique factorization and Dedekind domains

Proving a Certain $\mathbb{C}$-Algebra is a Domain Using a Specified Method

Is a polynomial ring over a UFD in countably many variables a UFD?

Is a polynomial $y^n+y^{n-1}-x^m-x^{m-1}$ irreducible in $\Bbb Z[x,y]$?

Show that $\mathbb{C}[x,y]/(x^2+y^2-1)$ is a UFD. [duplicate]

Proving $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt {10}]$ is not a UFD

Nonconstant polynomials have a composite value in a UFD with finitely many units

Picard group of UFD is trivial

When are quadratic rings of integers unique factorization domains?

Is $k[x,y,z]/(x^2+y^2-z^2)$ a UFD?

An example showing $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt[3]{7}]$ is not a UFD [closed]

How does Local Cohomology detect UFD?

Why is not the ring $\mathbb{Z}[2\sqrt{2}]$ a unique factorization domain?

Is any UFD also a PID?

Is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{15}]$ a UFD?