New posts in integral-domain

Does $IJ=IK\implies J=K$ always hold for integral domain and finitely generated nonzero ideal $I$?

Prove that $R[x]$ is an integral domain if and only if $R$ is an integral domain. [duplicate]

Arithmetic structure including both unique factorization and Dedekind domains

Proving a Certain $\mathbb{C}$-Algebra is a Domain Using a Specified Method

Principal ideal rings that are not integral domains

Is it really necessary to work with the fraction field here?

Prime $p\in R$ remains prime in $R[x]$ (Gauss's Lemma)

GCD in Gaussian integers.

Domain strictly contained in the intersection of localizations at the primes of height one

Is an infinite field always isomorphic to a non-trivial fraction field?

Show that $A[X]/(aX+b)$ is an integral domain

In a noetherian integral domain every non invertible element is a product of irreducible elements

Show that an integral domain with finitely many ideals is a field [duplicate]

Proof that in an integral domain every prime element is irreducible [duplicate]

Is $\Bbb Z_4 [X]$ an integral domain?

Rings isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_6\times\mathbb{Z}_{10}$

A fraction field is not finitely generated over its subdomain

In an Integral Domain is it true that $\gcd(ac,ab) = a\gcd(c,b)$?

Associates in Integral Domain

How to show every field is a Euclidean Domain.