New posts in euclidean-algorithm

Gcd and lcm of $a_1, a_2, \dots,a_n$ exist in $R$ when $R$ is a UFD.

What is $\frac{1}{1+\sqrt[3]{2}}$ in $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt[3]{2})$?

Is there a clever way to find a smaller number that produces the Euclidean algorithm of given length?

Finding consecutive naturals that all fail to have inverses modulo $70$

What other forms can Euclidean failure take?

Proving the number of iterations in the Euclidean algorithm

Using GCD with remainder to list all the integer elements in the set

GCD in arbitrary domain

How to show every field is a Euclidean Domain.

Why does the Euclidean algorithm for finding GCD work?

Localization Preserves Euclidean Domains

Have I found an example of norm-Euclidean failure in $\mathbb Z [\sqrt{14}]$?

Why are Fibonacci numbers bad for Euclid's Algorithm and how to derive this upper bound on number of steps needed in general?

The ring $\mathbb Z[\sqrt{-2}]= \{a+b\sqrt{-2} ; a\in \mathbb Z,b\in \mathbb Z \}$ has a Euclidean algorithm

Inverse with Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Does modulus m need to be prime in finding the modular inverse? [duplicate]

'Gauss's Algorithm' for computing modular fractions and inverses

Extended Euclidean Algorithm: backward vs. forward

Linear diophantine equation $100x - 23y = -19$

How to use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm manually?