New posts in fibonacci-numbers

Why does a golden angle based spiral produce evenly distributed points?

If the generating function summation and zeta regularized sum of a divergent series exist, do they always coincide?

Prove that $\forall p \in \Bbb P;p \ne 5,$ $F_{p^n - \left(\frac{5}{p}\right)p^{n-1}} \equiv 0 \mod p^n$

A number $N$ is a $k$-nacci number if and only if ...

why $\frac{f_n}{f_kf_{n-k}}$ is an integer for this sequence

For which complex numbers $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is it true that $\alpha^n+\beta^n$ is always an integer?

Experimental identities with Fibonacci series

Showing the Fibonacci inequality $f_1^{f_1}f_2^{f_2}f_3^{f_3}\cdots f_n^{f_n}\leq f_1!f_2!f_3!\cdots f_n!\;e^{({f_{n+2}-n-1)}}$ without induction.

Infinite sum of reciprocal shifted Fibonacci numbers

Linear Combinations of Fibonacci Numbers (integer coefficients)

Do the Fibonacci numbers contain any run of digits?

Musical and combinatorial proof

Recurrence and Fibonacci: $a_{n+1}=\frac {1+a_n}{2+a_n}$

Closed form for the sum of even fibonacci numbers?

Alternative "Fibonacci" sequences and ratio convergence

Golden ratio, $n$-bonacci numbers, and radicals of the form $\sqrt[n]{\frac{1}{n-1}+\sqrt[n]{\frac{1}{n-1}+\sqrt[n]{\frac{1}{n-1}+\cdots}}}$

Prove or disprove that ${F_{n}}^2 + 41$ is always a composite (if $F_{n}$ is $n^{th}$ Fibonacci number)

Fibonacci Cubes: $F_n^3 + F_{n+1}^3 - F_{n-1}^3 =F_{3n}$

Prove $\phi^n = \phi F_n + \text{(another Fibonacci number)}$ using mathematical induction.

Prove that for all $n\geqslant 1$ we have $F_n<{\left(\frac 74\right)}^n$. [closed]