Inverse with Extended Euclidean Algorithm

Solution 1:

Starting from where you ended: $1 = 19 - 3(6)$ implies that $-3(6) = 3(-6) \equiv 1 \pmod{19},$ so the modular inverse of $3$ is $-6 \equiv 13.$ We can double-check this with $3 \cdot 13 = 39 = 2(19) + 1 \equiv 1.$

In order to avoid this confusion in the future, it may help to write your final decomposition in the form of $ax + by = 1.$ Taking mods on both sides it should be clear that we have $ax \equiv 1 \pmod{y}$ and $by \equiv 1 \pmod{x},$ so $a \equiv x^{-1} \pmod{y}$ and $b \equiv y^{-1} \pmod{x}.$