New posts in unique-factorization-domains

Ring of formal power series over a principal ideal domain is a unique factorisation domain

Given $d \equiv 5 \pmod {10}$, prove $\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d})}$ never has unique factorization

$\textbf Z[\sqrt{pq}]$ is not a UFD if $\left( \frac{q}p \right) = -1$ and $p \equiv 1 \pmod 4$. [duplicate]

For which $d \in \mathbb{Z}$ is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{d}]$ a unique factorization domain?

How to determine which classes of integral domains a quadratic integer ring is in? [duplicate]

When irreducible elements of a UFD remain irreducible in a ring extension

Defining irreducible polynomials over polynomial rings

What is the correct notion of unique factorization in a ring?

An example of a non Noetherian UFD

Example of a domain where all irreducibles are primes and that is not a GCD domain

Is there an Integral domain that is a GCD domain but NOT a UFD? [duplicate]

Is the coordinate ring of SL2 a UFD?

When is $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{d}]$ not an UFD (for $d>1$)?

Definition of UFD and the fact that UFDs are integrally closed

Does UFD imply noetherian?

Looking for an example of a GCD domain which is not a UFD

A case where a UFD is a PID

Why is the ring of holomorphic functions not a UFD?

For which values of $d<0$ , is the subring of quadratic integers of $\mathbb Q[\sqrt{d}]$ is a PID?

$A=\frac{\mathbb{C}[X,Y]}{(X^2+Y^2-1)}$ is a PID.