New posts in class-field-theory

roots of unity, wild ramification and units of norm one in local fields

Cube roots of five

The maximal unramified extension of a local field may not be complete

Maximal abelian extension unramified outside a set of primes

Brauer Group of $\mathbb{Q}_2$

Haar Measure for Algebraic Number Theory: What Should I Know?

Hilbert class field of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{730})$.

$\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p^*})$ is contained in the ring class field of conductor $p$

Ideal class "group" of Lipschitz (fully-integer) quaternions

history and/or motivation for cohomology in class field theory

$2^n$-th rational reciprocity laws

(Simple?) applications of Class Field Theory?

Algebraic closure of $k((t))$

On the maximal abelian pro-$p$ extension unramified outside $p$ and the Leopoldt's conjecture

$\mathbb{Q}(i)$ has no unramified extensions

Given $d \equiv 5 \pmod {10}$, prove $\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d})}$ never has unique factorization

How does topology enter Number theory and how we can grasp its essence?

For each number field $K$ with place $\mathfrak{p}$, prove that $K_{\mathfrak{p}}^{\mathrm{ab}} = K_{\mathfrak{p}} K^{\mathrm{ab}}$

$L$-function, easiest way to see the following sum?

CFT via Brauer groups vs via ideles