New posts in cubics

Cyclic property of the root of a cubic polynomial

What cubic problems did Tartaglia and Fior pose to each other?

Understanding of cubic Bézier curves in one dimension

If a real number can be expressed in terms of complex solutions of cubic equations, can it be expressed in terms of real solutions of cubic equations?

Solving Cubic Equations (With Origami)

Solve for integers $x, y, z$ such that $x + y = 1 - z$ and $x^3 + y^3 = 1 - z^2$.

Finding the roots of any cubic with trigonometric roots.

Finding cubic with golden ratio as root

What are the units in $\mathbb{Z}[\root 3 \of 2]$?

How to show that the roots of $-x^3+3x+\left(2-\frac{4}{n}\right)=0$ are real (and how to find them)

Solve for x given formula for cubic interpolation

Finding $y$ coordinate given $x$ coordinate of cubic bezier curve under restrictions over control points

Find all pair of cubic equations

Solving $X^2-6Y^2=Z^3$ in positive integers

Requirements for an integer root of cubic equation

Cubic polynomial with three (distinct) irrational roots

Discriminant of the depressed cubic

What's so special about primes $x^2+27y^2 = 31,43, 109, 157,\dots$ for cubics?

Showing that $m^3+4m+2=0$ has only one real root

Counting the Number of Real Roots of $y^{3}-3y+1$