New posts in cyclic-groups

On the Factor group $\Bbb Q/\Bbb Z$ [duplicate]

Let $G$ be a finite Abelian group that has exactly one subgroup for each divisor of $|G|$. How does this imply that $G$ is cyclic? [duplicate]

Is $\mathbb{Z}^2$ cyclic?

Find the number of homomorphisms between cyclic groups.

Any group of order $n$ satisfying $\gcd (n, \varphi(n)) =1$ is cyclic

Find all homomorphisms $\varphi : \Bbb Z_6 \to S_3$. [duplicate]

Why is the set of integers with the operation of addition considered a cyclic group?

if $G$ only has one subgroup of order $p$ and one subgroup of order $q$, then $G$ is a cyclic group

Is $(\mathbb{Q^+},\cdot)$ cyclic?

Find all proper nontrivial subgroups of $\mathbb Z_2 \times \mathbb Z_2 \times \mathbb Z_2$ - Fraleigh p. 110 Exercise 11.10

If $G$ is cyclic then $G/H$ is cyclic?

Cyclicness of a quotient of subgroups of infinite cyclic group

How to prove that $\mathbb{C}_n$ is a subgroup of $(\Bbb C\setminus\{0\},\cdot)$. [closed]

Cyclic Automorphism group

Does every group have a 'cyclization'?

When is the automorphism group $\text{Aut }G$ cyclic?

Help to prove that $ U_{p} $ is a cyclic group.

Group $G$ is cyclic $\iff$ every subgroup of $G$ has the form $G^k$, where $G^k=\{g^k\mid g\in G\}$

Describe all of the homomorphisms from $\Bbb Z_{24}$ to $\Bbb Z_{18}$. [duplicate]

Prove that a cyclic group with only one generator can have at most 2 elements