New posts in adjoint-functors

Adjoint functors requiring a natural bijection

Is the tensor product of two projective sheaves projective?

Adjoint Functor Theorem

Right-adjoint to the inverse image functor

Understanding the tensor-hom adjunction intuitively

Adjoints to the Evaluation functors

What are some beautiful examples of adjunctions?

Fully faithful and essentially surjective is an equivalence

The mysterious isomorphism between coinduction and induction

Philosophy or meaning of adjoint functors

Proving that the transformation obtained from an adjoint pair is natural

Adjoint squares

Does the forgetful functor from $\mathbf{TopGrp}$ to $\mathbf{Top}$ admit a left adjoint?

Dual and adjoint operator

Is gcd the right adjoint of something?

Examples of Monads and their Algebras

Right-adjoint functors are left-exact?

Composing functors with natural transformations

Do the adjoint functor theorems usefully dualise?

How to recognize adjointness?