New posts in fiber-bundles

Showing that the Hopf fibration is a non-trivial fibre bundle

Projection of fiber bundle is a submersion

Line Bundle on subvarieties

What is the mathematical understanding behind what physicists call a gauge fixing?

"Spreading out" a smooth, connected $\mathbb{C}$-scheme of finite type.

Is there a fibre bundle with fibre homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^k$ which cannot be given the structure of a vector bundle?

Intuition for nontrivial fiber bundles in terms of sections

Contractibility of the space of sections of a fiber bundle

What is a fiber bundle? (for non-mathematicians)

Fundamental group of the total space of an oriented $S^1$ fiber bundle over $T^2$

Which spheres are fiber bundles?

basic differential forms

Understanding the trivialisation of a normal bundle

Relations of Characteristic classes: Chern, Stiefel-Whitney, Pontryagin, Euler, Wu class. [closed]

Criteria of a trivial G bundle of a 3-manifold

Classify sphere bundles over a sphere

What the curvature $2$-form really represents?

Are there vector bundles that are not locally trivial?

Spin structures, frame bundles, and trivializations over the 2-skeleton

What can we say about a vector bundle with trivial unit sphere bundle?