New posts in fundamental-groups

Fundamental group of the plane minus a Cantor set

Proving directly that $S^2$ is simply connected: is a surjective loop homotopic to a non-surjective one?

Does there exist a CW complex with prescribed fundamental group and trivial higher homology?

Fundamental group of the n-holed torus

Fundamental group of Klein Bottle

Computation of the fundamental group of the projective plane without Van Kampen theorem.

Equations for double etale covers of the hyperelliptic curve $y^2 = x^5+1$

Fundamental group of the total space of an oriented $S^1$ fiber bundle over $T^2$

Homology and Fundamental group of $\mathbb{R}^4\setminus S^1$

Finding a space with given homology groups and fundamental group

$\pi_1$ and $H_1$ of Symmetric Product of surfaces

Integral homology of real Grassmannian $G(2,4)$

Is the fundamental group of a compact manifold finitely presented?

Higher Homotopy Group of a Product of Spaces

Base Point Homotopy vs Free Homotopy Example

Bijection between the free homotopy classes $[S^{n},X]$ and the orbit space $\pi_n/\pi_1$

Is this a different proof of the fundamental group being abelian?

Find the fundamental group of a topological space X obtained from S3 by removing a figure 8

Is there a subset of $\mathbb R^2$ that has fundamental group $\mathbb Z^2$?

Is the homotopy type of an aspherical space determined by its fundamental group?