New posts in fiber-bundles

Why is the constant relating the chern class and curvature form always $2\pi i$?

line bundles over the circle

example diagram of pullbacks and fiber products

Why is every fiber bundle over $S^1$ a mapping torus?

If there exists a global section then the principal bundle is trivial - problem with smoothness

Sanity check: Is every T-principal bundle over T trivial?

Stokes for integration along the fiber

How did Chern pictured the first Chern number?

Can we generalize the regular value theorem even beyond the Ehresmann's theorem?

What is the spectrum of the commutative C*-algebra I have constructed here?

Visualizing Hopf fibration $S^3\to S^2$ as a based map $S^1\to \mathrm{Map}(S^2,S^2)$

Gap between "fibration" and "fiber bundle".

"Drawable" Examples of Vector Bundles

Visualize Fourth Homotopy Group of $S^2$

An example of a triple $(E,\pi,M)$ which is not a vector bundle

Is the Structure Group of a Fibre Bundle Well-Defined?

Fiber bundle with null-homotopic fiber inclusion

Given a fiber bundle $F\to E\overset{\pi}{\to} B$ such that $F,B$ are compact, is $E$ necessarily compact?

Does curvature zero mean the bundle is trivial?

What is the relation between connections on principal bundles and connections on vector bundles?