New posts in principal-bundles

Sections of associated bundles

Intuition of Chern-Weil theory

Is the $G$-action on a principal $G$-bundle proper?

Flat non-trivial $U(1)$-bundle? Is it possible?

Classify sphere bundles over a sphere

Why base point makes a huge difference?

What the curvature $2$-form really represents?

Principal Bundle and Cocycle

Flat connection with non-trivial holonomy? I cannot get it


Quotient by the action of a group commuting with sequential colimits

If there exists a global section then the principal bundle is trivial - problem with smoothness

Connections on principal bundles and vector bundles

Question about gauge transformation

Texts on Principal Bundles, Characteristic Classes, Intro to 4-manifolds / Gauge Theory

How a principal bundle and the associated vector bundle determine each other

$M \times N$ orientable if and only if $M, N$ orientable [duplicate]

${\Bbb Z}/3{\Bbb Z}$-torsors over $S^1$.

Does curvature zero mean the bundle is trivial?

Principal $G$-bundles in Zariski vs étale topology