New posts in operations-research

Convert a piecewise linear non-convex function into a linear optimisation problem.

Using NewBoolVar in Google OR-Tools

Solving a linear programming problem using its dual problem.

How to solve this operation research problem using dual simplex method?

Modeling contiguity of machine processing in a flow shop environment via a MIP

How can I mathematically model and analyze an incremental game like Cookie Clicker?

Variable leaving basis in linear programming - when does it happen?

What is a principal minor of a matrix?

Why does this approach fail?

Prove optimal solution to dual is not unique if optimal solution to the primal is degenerate and unique.

Linear Programming optimization with multiple optimal solutions

Operations research book to start with

What fraction of the fund should one bet?

Tangent cone to a set at a given point and first-order necessary optimality conditions

What is the best rest position for two elevators in a 10-story building?

Optimizing response times of an ambulance corp: short-term versus average