New posts in biology

Classification of species into native or invasive

General technical term that uncontroversially encompasses both bacteria and viruses

When should antibody/antigen be pluralised?

Pronotum: meaning and suffix context?

Term for the saline equilibrium of the body?

Where does "acutilobate" originate from?

Etymology of the scientific term "tomont"

Is there a term for the combination of a finger bone (phalanx) plus all the soft tissue around that bone?

What does the following statement by Richard Dawkins mean?

PDEs in biology

Illustrating "vicious", "rapacious", "ferocious" and "voracious"

Turing's Symmetries

Why does the name "central nervous system" contain 'nervous' and not 'nerves'? [closed]

Why is it a "gene pool"?

Mathematics applied to biology

Why does binomial nomenclature seem to break case rules?

What caused bell peppers to be called capsicums in some countries?

What were Red Admiral and White Admiral butterflies called before 1627?

Does "pro-" always precede "pre-" in a sequence? Why?

Why isn't the word "white" capitalized when referring to the race? [duplicate]