New posts in scientific-language

On explaining weird applications of something in a scientific/technical context

How to abbreviate "section" and "sections" in scientific writing

Do I have to use "I" or "we" when orally presenting my scientific thesis written by a single author? [closed]

Questions about choices of tenses and plural/singular (scientific writting)

Etymology of the scientific term "tomont"

Should Chemical names be used at the start of sentences?

scientific way to say wash your hands

Does "corroborate" in a scientific context imply confirmation rather "either confirmation or rejection" of findings from previous studies?

Phrases for qualitative comparison

"As we want to" in scientific writing

Mathematical Jargon when choosing for determinacy

Convention of writing percentage range

Can the word 'slab' be used to mean 'range'? For example, distance slab and weight slab (in technical specifications), income tax slab

Number vs. no. vs. # in scientific papers?

Is the usage "multiple logistic regression analysis" correct?

"yields" vs "yields that" in math context

To what extent should figure legends within scientific literature describe trends in their figures?

Terminology for an "optical RGB image" in relation to more complex imagery like hyperspectral imagery?

how to describe a set of strings with various types of format [closed]

Term for describing auditory memory similar to 'eidetic' (for visual memory)