how to describe a set of strings with various types of format [closed]

In my scientific experiment, the measurement of equipment may appear as follows 1’’-2’’, 3”:4”, [1”, 2”], or (1”:2”), etc.

I would like to describe this fact in an article. What is the best way to write it as clearly as possible.

This is what I am trying, which does not seem correct. The problem is how to describe the format of these different strings, 1’’-2’’, 3”:4”, [1”, 2”], or (1”:2”) using English?

The measurement of the equipment being studied is a format of a numerical character string.

Solution 1:

Nice question. It is essential to know from where you are starting in order to see where you are going. The question that goes up among all our patient readers is, "Where, please, are these numbers coming from?". If they are the output of a computer then what was the question asked of the computer? The time? The distance to the highway in yards? These numbers are the answer to a question and this question must be included in the email you send in order to report accurately. In addition please be sure to use either two single quotes,'', or a double quote, ", using the shift key. Consistency is needed for reliable communication.

Strictly as a possible example of your message describing the output. "We asked the computer the number of characters between the words of the sentence. This answer shows two numbers; one for the characters to the first word and the second the distance to the second word."

Your reader must either be familiar with the number's meaning or you will need to tell them what they mean. Best to do both.

If no one knows their source including you then the brute force way to describe them might be as follows.

"The numbers come in pairs, multiples of two or 'two tuples'. They may be positive or negative but always in the the unit designated by the double quote following. Say for x and y you would see x" y". If they are separated by a space or a comma then they are [enter the meaning you find]. If they are separated by a colon, :, that means they are [some other meaning]. The pair may be surrounded by brackets, [ ], or parenthesis, ( ) as well in which case they are [yet some other meaning].

We are very interested in learning the source of your numbers and your finished message.