What would be a scientific way to tell people to wash their hands? In a way that it wouldn't sound like simply washing hands but more like a newly discovered method against corona virus.

I'm thinking of something like "Apply a high PH value solution to your hands...". But my chemical background is very thin, so that is as far as I got.

The reason is, I want to make a sign for the bathroom at work, that will make people think more, than just a "Wash your hands" sign. It should sound like an effective new cure, not just the boring old thing that mama told you since childhood. Many of my colleagues like riddles (our boss sends a weekly riddle around) and if they think enough about it, it will motivate them more to wash their hands. I'm not sure whether it will work, that remains to be seen.

Note: I hope this is the right Stackexchange. I have seen a few other questions where people inquired about the scientific way to say something, however usually in a scientific context. This question is just from daily life. If there is a more fitting stackexchange, I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction or even migrate the question directly.

Solution 1:

You could say "decontaminate your hands". On this site the phrase "hand decontamination" is used, therefore it is but a small step to take to say that. In fact, the phrase "to decontaminate your hands" itself is used in it.

Solution 2:

I don't suggest it as anything other than a joke, but

"Ablute the forearm extremities topically with an apposite surfactant containing traditional carboxylates or synthetic anionic detergents for not less that one and one third moments."

To ablute = to wash (rare)

Extremities = the hands and feet (hence the qualifying “forearm”)

Surfactant = a wetting agent, something that rediuces surface tension

Carboxylates – the active ingredient of common soap

synthetic anionic detergents = A man-made cleansing agent

a moment = obsolete measurement of time equal, approximately to 91 seconds

Solution 3:

Medical staff refer to 'scrubbing up' when they thoroughly wash their hands and forearms.

Definition of scrub up

: to wash one's hands and arms thoroughly

The doctor scrubbed up for surgery.

Merriam Webster