Word for when people store scarce resources to increase demand and sell at higher price

Like storing gasoline to create an artificial demand and sell it a higher price later.

Solution 1:

Profiteering can be used here.

From Cambridge Dictionary:

profiteer (noun): a person who takes advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering to make a profit, often by selling at a high price goods which are difficult to get.

profiteering (noun):
The pharmaceutical company has been charged with profiteering from the AIDS crisis.

From Oxford Dictionaries:

profiteer (verb): make or seek to make an excessive or unfair profit, especially illegally: seven food merchants were charged with profiteering.

Solution 2:

'Hoarding' is the word that comes to my mind. That at least covers the storage of scarce resources, but I'm not sure if it is really the right word to include selling it at a higher price.

How about 'Price-fixing'? That would be a collection of 'competitors', artificailly increasing the price by some means (possibly by limiting supply).