Combine unique cell values on a single row

See below image of my 3 inputs (columns A:C) and expected out put (column D),

I would like to list the unique values for each row as an output, separated by a comma.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

In cell D1 use :


Then drag down.

If you have more columns, then add &IF(COUNTIF(A1:C1,C1)>1,"",","&C1) change the C1 to D1 for a fourth column and to E1 for a fifth, and so on.

Also change A1:C1 in the COUNTIF to suit the range of however many columns you may be using.

Solution 2:

If you have Office 365 Excel then you can use TEXTJOIN as an array formula:


Being an array formula it needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.

This iterates and test if the instance is the first and if so it will add it to the string.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

This simple UDF will help you to combine unique values in cell separated by Comma.

  • Insert this code as Module with the related Sheet.

      Function CombineUnique(xRg As Range, xChar As String) As String
      Dim xCell As Range
      Dim xDic As Object
      Set xDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      For Each xCell In xRg
          xDic(xCell.Value) = Empty
      CombineUnique = Join$(xDic.Keys, xChar)
      Set xDic = Nothing
      End Function  

How it works:

  • Before Run this UDF Add Microsoft Scripting Runtime using Tools, References in VB Editor window.

  • To get desire result, in Cell D2 write below
    written Formula and fill down.


Note, adjust the cell references in Formula as needed.