Some of my keys are automatically being pressed along with other keys

Solution 1:

It seems like a hardware issue to me. I've had this several times in the past, and just replaced the keyboard. It could just be a piece of debris on one of the tracks. Do you have a spare around to check?

Solution 2:

Looks like a broken keyboard. You need to connect another keyboard to your computer and check if it works OR connect this keyboard to another computer or laptop and check if it shows the same problem.

Solution 3:

One thing I forgot to mention that a few months ago my drink was poured into the keyboard, after a 2-3 days my keyboard became home of a group of ants.

For getting rid from that I opened up my keyboard and cleaned it well, and finally sprayed an (liquid) ant repellent inside and outside of keyboard. I cleaned the excessive repellent as well, and screwed it up.

But I forgot that that transparent circuit board has three layers. And I just cleaned the outer layers leaving two layers wet which was doing short circuit.

In my case cleaning that liquid was the answer which was doing a short circuit I think. Now my keyboard it working fine like before. But one thing I'm still not getting is why it didn't just happened when I sprayed the repellent.