New posts in taxonomy

Term pertaining to, similar to, or traits of Fish

Pronotum: meaning and suffix context?

Of the Same Genera or Genus?

What Germanic language is the most understandable for the native English speakers? [duplicate]

A finger is a component of a hand, a hand is the X of a finger

What word describes text having a different meaning backwards and forwards?

Is the term "baby kitten" / "baby puppy" superfluous?

Origin of the suffix in hippocampus

Plant Name Pluralisation

What were Red Admiral and White Admiral butterflies called before 1627?

How to get the current taxonomy term ID (not the slug) in WordPress?

Is it "species of plural" or "species of singular"?

Is there a version of “equine/equestrian”, or any other horse-related word, for a pegasus/pegasi?

Why is it that Frisian is considered the closest related language to English?

Name for a type of idiom with two things joined (like "raining cats and dogs", "bread and butter")

A murder of crows?

Residual soil or surplus soil