New posts in palindrome

Can all natural numbers be represented as palindromes in some base $b$?

Palindrome in java

Longest palindrome in a string using suffix tree

Conjecture related to Lychrel numbers

Python: search longest palindromes within a word and palindromes within a word/string

Palindromes in multiple bases

Check if a string is a palindrome

how to find longest palindromic subsequence?

What is the longest palindromic phrase?

Which number base contains the most Palindromic Numbers?

Finitely many palindromes in two consecutive number bases, for fixed and distinct numbers of digits

Prove that any palindrome with an even number of digits is divisible by 11

What word describes text having a different meaning backwards and forwards?

Manacher's algorithm (algorithm to find longest palindrome substring in linear time)

Hard system in integers related to natural number representations

Is 2201 really the only non-palindromic number whose cube is palindromic?

How to calculate the number of palindromes of a given number of characters?

Average Length of Longest Palindromic Subsequence

Decimal/hex palindromes: why multiples of 53?

Commutative, or "semantically palindromic" sentences