New posts in construction

“Choose a username that is …and must contain”: phrased incorrectly or just awkwardly?

what is the structure of this sentence?

What's different between the two sentences?

Is it OK to use "if" at the end of a sentence? [closed]

Why the construction "They it was who..." is grammatically correct?

It is not + noun + to infinitive

"Will" vs "Would" in the sentence [closed]

A is as good as if not better than B

Comma before a subordinate clause

Thread safe lazy construction of a singleton in C++

What is the proper term for etching or digging of wall to hide conduit of cables

cannot in 'not only...but also' [duplicate]

Is "labeled" an adjective or not? [duplicate]

Overthinking "...expect there to be..."

How to compose a single phrase/write a sentence for this? [closed]

Use of conditional sentence?

Can an adverb be a noun?

Question regarding the usage of "Bang"

Making a question with the verb "to go"

Zero conditional form