New posts in subordinate-clauses

A question concerning the use of "as" as conjunction

Using a comma before a subordinate clause

Is there such a thing as a “past subjunctive”?

Why “hadn’t gone” and not “didn’t go”?

Use of present tense in a subordinate clause within a sentence that uses future tense

"That" - Omitting extra words vs. Grammatically correct [duplicate]

Sentences starting with "Which": Fragment or complete sentence?

Should I use a comma before "who" in this sentence, or can it be written without that comma?

What specifically is the difference between a 'content clause' and a 'complement clause'?

How to use Commas When an Introductory Clause Precedes a Dependent/Subordinate Clause

When can you leave off 'that' in a sentence? [duplicate]

Types of clauses

Why is "to" not appropriate before "be" in this situation?

Grammatically correct use of whom vs who [duplicate]

Tense simplification in subordinate clauses - past perfect instead of would have

Are “where” subclauses acceptable?

noun clause or adjective clause?

Is my StackExchange-Description written correctly? [closed]

Comma before a subordinate clause

'I'm sure your friends will likely call you on your birthday.' Is "that" required? [duplicate]