New posts in perfect-aspect

What tense do I use for different actions in the past for dead people?

Is this grammatically correct: "It has happened for a while now." [closed]

Past/Present tense in a conditional statement

Have been awarded or was awarded? [duplicate]

What is the tense of "I would have been happy to..."?

He has just been offered or he was offered

Why “hadn’t gone” and not “didn’t go”?

"Should be done by" or "should have been done by"? [duplicate]

"hadn't have killed" vs "hadn't killed"

I remembered ‘seeing’ or ‘having seen’ him.?

Which tense would be correct in this context?

Superlative, present perfect vs past perfect

Dilemma between present perfect simple and past simple

Perfect vs Perfect Continuous

Has been Vs had been [closed]

'have been' vs. 'went' with time words

Why perfect aspect was used in this sentence

How to treat negation in the perfect

Subject–verb inversion in a conditional’s protasis: does that mean it happened or not?

confusion about the past perfect continuous