New posts in superlative-degree

word order in superlatives: "She booked the earliest flight to London she could." or "She booked the earliest flight she could to London."?

What is the proper superlative of "bitter"?

"My latest five novels" or "my five latest novels"?

Superlative, present perfect vs past perfect

"Lowest" vs. "lowermost"

much and more comparative superlative

Do -ist words (e.g. racist) have superlative or comparative forms?

Is "most superior" correct?

"Mostest" vs. "most" [closed]

Is there a word for "conjugating" an adjective?

Why "respect you most" instead of "respect you more" in the following quote by Samuel Johnson?

Is it correct to say second maximum?

Comparative of 'smart' where more than one adjective is involved

What part of speech is "the closest" in this case? [duplicate]

"of utmost importance" vs "of the utmost importance"

Comparative, superlative using "one of"

Is the expression "the biggest such business" grammatically correct?

Indefinite article + superlative adjective

Why do superlative adverbs sometimes use 'the'?

What are general rules to form this superlatives: "adjective + most"?